An Aquatic Connection

I’m pretty crazy about dolphins. It’s a love I’ve had since as far back as I can remember. I was even blessed enough to swim with them years ago.


My experience was all I had hoped for and more–their grace and beauty were overwhelming, and when one of them looked me in the eye, I’m pretty sure she saw right into my soul. She pretty much communicated “I see you,” like in the movie Avatar. Powerful stuff.

It was also a whole lot of fun. Breathtaking fun.

I think that’s part of my love for dolphins–they simply exude joy.

For today’s Frabjous Friday post, I want to share a video of a dolphin seeking a diver’s help. It’s a different kind of joy to feel here–the amazing connection between two mammals from two very different worlds.

The diver was there to film stingrays, and the dolphin just swam up as if to say, “Um, excuse me…could you please free me of this hook and line?”

And that’s exactly what happened. Take a look.

[Email subscribers: please remember you will have to click through to my blog to view the clip.]

This dolphin knew enough to ask for help in his struggle.

We should, too.

So if you’ve got a hook and line that’s hurting you, maybe it’s time to find the right diver to set you free.

Sometimes all you need to do is ask.


PS. If you have a few more minutes and would like to enjoy a “dolphin stampede” that is captured via drone video, watch below.

2 thoughts on “An Aquatic Connection

    1. A kindred spirit fist bump from France, huh? I’ll take it! So nice of you to stop on over my way and take a read. I’ve subscribed to you and look forward to more great reads.

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